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A little example

On this page you'll find a little example of how to create animations with AniTMT.
The users must create three different files:

  1. The POV-Ray file which describes the objects in the scene.
  2. The 2nd file is the ADL, the animation description language.
  3. An INI file with some general animation settings.

POV-Ray file

The POV-Ray file is a normal POV-Ray scene which might also be rendered by POV-Ray. There's only one little difference: The objects which should be animated later, must be named.

file: cone.pov

    1  cone { // my_obj
    2    <-1, 0, 0>,
    3    0.5,     
    4    < 1, 0, 0>,
    5    0         
    6    pigment {
    7      color rgb <1, 0, 0>
    8    }
    9  }
   11  camera { // my_camera
   12    location <0,1,8>  
   13    look_at <0,0,0>  
   14  }
   16  light_source {
   17    <1,1,5>          
   18    color rgb <1,1,1>
   19  }

From line 1 to line 9 we define a cone here which has the name my_obj. Additional we need a camera (l. 11-14), which has also a name, and a light source (l. 16-19).

ADL file

Now, we want to animate this POV-Ray scene. All we need is the ADL-file:

file: cone.adl

    1  povscene {
    2    filename "cone.pov";
    4    my_obj { 
    5      move { 
    6        straight {   
    7          startpos    <-2,0,0>;
    8          startdir    x;      
    9          length      3;     
   10          startspeed  2;    
   11        }
   12        circle {           
   13          normal      y;  
   14          radius      2; 
   15          angle       180; 
   16        }
   17        circle {           
   18          center      <1,1,-1>;  
   19          angle       130;      
   20        }
   21        straight {}       
   22      }
   23    }
   24  }

In the beginning, we define the POV-Ray scene to animate (l. 1/2). The animation is the move of the object my_obj (l. 4), which is moved along a path. This path consits of different parts:

  1. A straight (l. 6-11) from <-2,0,0> with the direction x, the length 3 and the speed 2.
  2. It is followed by a circle (l. 12-16) around the normal y with the radius 2 and the angle 180 degrees.
  3. Again followed by a next circle (l. 17-20) around the center <1,1,-1> with 130 degrees.
  4. At the end the cone moves linear with his final position until the animation ends.

INI file

The third and last file is the INI file which defines some settings:

file: cone.ini

    1  [options]
    2  fps=24
    3  endtime=11
    4  width=400
    5  height=300
    6  ani_dir=ani/
    7  raytracer=povray3.1
    8  params=+A0.3 -J
   10  [files]
   11  adl=cone.adl

Here we define the frames per second (l. 2), the duration of the complete animation (l. 3), the resolutions in width and height (l. 4/5) and the raytracer (l. 7) with it's parameters (l. 8).
There are also some other settings for AniTMT, which files and paths to use.