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A little example
On this page you'll find a little example of how to create animations with AniTMT.
The users must create three different files:
- The POV-Ray file which describes the objects in the scene.
- The 2nd file is the ADL, the animation description language.
- An INI file with some general animation settings.
POV-Ray file
The POV-Ray file is a normal POV-Ray scene which might also be rendered by POV-Ray.
There's only one little difference: The objects which should be animated later,
must be named.
file: cone.pov
1 cone { // my_obj
2 <-1, 0, 0>,
3 0.5,
4 < 1, 0, 0>,
5 0
6 pigment {
7 color rgb <1, 0, 0>
8 }
9 }
11 camera { // my_camera
12 location <0,1,8>
13 look_at <0,0,0>
14 }
16 light_source {
17 <1,1,5>
18 color rgb <1,1,1>
19 }
From line 1 to line 9 we define a cone here which has the name my_obj.
Additional we need a camera (l. 11-14), which has also a name, and a light
source (l. 16-19).
ADL file
Now, we want to animate this POV-Ray scene. All we need is the ADL-file:
file: cone.adl
1 povscene {
2 filename "cone.pov";
4 my_obj {
5 move {
6 straight {
7 startpos <-2,0,0>;
8 startdir x;
9 length 3;
10 startspeed 2;
11 }
12 circle {
13 normal y;
14 radius 2;
15 angle 180;
16 }
17 circle {
18 center <1,1,-1>;
19 angle 130;
20 }
21 straight {}
22 }
23 }
24 }
In the beginning, we define the POV-Ray scene to animate (l. 1/2). The animation
is the move of the object my_obj (l. 4), which is moved along a path.
This path consits of different parts:
- A straight (l. 6-11) from <-2,0,0> with the direction x, the
length 3 and the speed 2.
- It is followed by a circle (l. 12-16) around the normal y with the
radius 2 and the angle 180 degrees.
- Again followed by a next circle (l. 17-20) around the center <1,1,-1>
with 130 degrees.
- At the end the cone moves linear with his final position until the
animation ends.
INI file
The third and last file is the INI file which defines some settings:
file: cone.ini
1 [options]
2 fps=24
3 endtime=11
4 width=400
5 height=300
6 ani_dir=ani/
7 raytracer=povray3.1
8 params=+A0.3 -J
10 [files]
11 adl=cone.adl
Here we define the frames per second (l. 2), the duration of the complete
animation (l. 3), the resolutions in width and height (l. 4/5) and the
raytracer (l. 7) with it's parameters (l. 8).
There are also some other settings for AniTMT, which files and paths
to use.